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I went to the best high school ever. My grandparents went there, and they became high school sweethearts. Then later my grandparents had my mom who met my dad, and they became high school sweethearts. Then later they had me, my sister and my brother.

I went to the best high school ever because it’s rooted in tradition and the halls hold pictures of my family and my extended family. It was the halls I called home.

I was the first of the siblings and cousins to attend this school, and I so badly wanted to leave my mark at this school- just like my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and parents did.

Here’s the thing- I am definitely a reserved person. And a lot of times people who were loud and bold  were  picked to be the “leader” for certain things our school put on. In other words, I wasn’t considered to be a leading face for this school most of the time.

Then, two years later my sister stepped into the best high school ever. And people LOVED her. All the teachers knew her name and gave her nicknames and she was chosen to lead almost every activity the school put on- or so it seemed.

I was so happy for her. I mean who doesn’t love to see their own family member shine?

But at the same time I was upset.

“I love this school and have so much passion for it, why not me?”


“How come people don’t see me as a leader too?”


Who’s with me? Am I the only one?

I’m not trying to/ was never trying to play victim. I just felt butt hurt that I wanted to be a leader inside a school I loved so much but was never considered for it.

Have you ever felt this way? Have you ever been baffled as to why you were so passionate about X, Y or Z and never got to put it into fruition?

I hear ya!

In reality, most of the people who I saw as leaders within my school probably just went for the given position, and didn’t wait for it to be handed to them like I did.

But then again, there were moments that I recall seeing people being apathetic about the leadership position or any position they held and I felt a sense of anger. I felt angry that some people didn’t care about something I would have loved to be considered for.

HUGE DISCLAIMER: this ain’t my sister. She loves what she does and is dang good at it.

I wanted to be a face in my high school solely because of my family’s history at this school and the passion within it.

And I never once thought maybe another person needs this in their life more than I do.

Let that sink in.

Some of the people who held “leadership” and “face” positions at the school I loved so much were people who needed it in their life. Maybe they needed that push, that affirmation, that sense of being a leader. I am NOT saying everyone, but some.

So, my friend, next time you are frustrated, butt hurt or sad that it’s not you… remember that maybe it’s not your turn.

I promise you that you will have that moment to shine and show people that passion you have for whatever it might be.

And when someone else  is up to bat and you thought maybe it would finally be your turn to hit the homerun… sit back, cheer this person on, and wait for your turn.

Because maybe just maybe this person needs it more than you right now. True leaders don’t stand at the top and bring others up, rather they stand at the bottom and hold others up while it’s “their turn.”

So friend, don’t worry about getting that recognition you know you deserve. Don’t worry that no one sees that crazy passion inside you. Your time will come to show it.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. jim d

    your simply awesome. i think your up to bat now!
    great advice as usual

  2. Casey

    Can tell this swing has lots of home runs in her!

  3. Caroline

    This is so relatable. I love this post, everyone needs to be reminded of this!!

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