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One of my favorite questions I ask when I meet new people  is “do you value uncertainty or certainty more?” In other words, do you like knowing what is going on at all times, or do you like when things are a bit of a surprise?

All answers are good, and honestly there isn’t a right answer. However, there is an answer that might steer you and I towards a more fulfilling life. 

The answer is both. The straight up, sucky-for-some answer is you have to like uncertainty and certainty. Okay, okay we don’t have to use the word like. Let’s start with getting comfortable.

Let’s get comfortable with both uncertainty and certainty in our life. 

Today, let’s talk about uncertainty.  

Personally, I hate the feeling of being unsure about anything. I mean who doesn’t? 

Last year around this time I was so uncertain about what I was doing with my life, because I was at a school that didn’t quite fit what I wanted to be doing with my time (more on that another day). I was surrounded by absolutely amazing people, so the feeling of not knowing if I should leave this school or stay made the decision even harder. I was so sad and even more confused. 

This feeling of uncertainty made me feel uneasy. Like I didn’t have my life together. College is supposed to be the best four years of my life so why does it feel the opposite right now (yep, more on that another day too)? 

I am about to spill the truth. Sometimes the feeling of uncertainty means that a change is gonna come. 

Uncertainty is NOT your next crisis, it is your fuel. Uncertainty is your fuel for knowing that  you’re about to take your next step into WHO YOU WERE MADE TO BE.

& that’s exciting. 

I realize that when you’re in the middle of a I-don’t-know-what-is-happening-nothing-is-going-right-in-my-life you’re not thinking about how this might just be a stepping stone in the right direction. BUT what if you started thinking that way? 

Something that helped me: Tony Robbins’ wisdom. “Life isn’t happening to you, it’s happening for you.”

Let that sink in. Life isn’t happening TO YOU it’s happening FOR YOU.






You mean the corona virus is happening for us? Not to us? 

Disclaimer: I am not God. I am not a prophet. But I do believe that life happens for us, and sometimes it’s hard to find meaning in something so awful that is happening in our world.

But what if…

What if there is a family out there who isn’t close, but because of social distancing they are forced to spend time with each other?  And because of this their relationship has forever changed for the better?

I could come up with a million good things that have come out of this horrible thing.

Take my example. So much good came out of my uncertainty last year. First things first, it lit a fire under me to make a change. I decided to transfer schools. Secondly, it has allowed me to talk to others about my struggle, and help them with theirs. Thirdly, the uncertainty has surely pushed me towards the path I am supposed to be taking. 

But life throws some good ol’ curves balls. And there will be more question marks in my life and yours.

Why is this happening to me?

What am I supposed to do?


Am I on the right track?

 & because of this it’s time to get comfortable with both certainty and uncertainty.

Here’s how I have dealt with uncertainty: 

Talk & Trust.

Talk. Talk to those around you. Tell them how you feel. What worries you? What advice can they give you? People. Hello. Can you hear me? Do you realize that many of the people around you have walked a very similar journey to you? They understand the uncertainty. They understand how you feel.Those around you are more than willing to talk and help. I promise you.

Trust. Trust that God knows you and knows your heart. He is taking you exactly where you need to go to have the MOST fulfilling life. This point brings me the most solace. Knowing that someone greater than me has a plan for me. Your creator has a plan for you, my friend. Find comfort in knowing that you aren’t in good hands, you are in the hands. THE hands.

My final point is that when you are dealing with uncertainty know that you are bigger than it. You are bigger and greater than your uncertainty. You will get through this. I mean, you always have. What makes you think you won’t get through it this time too?

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Salt

    Great topic! Helpful

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