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“Rise above it all” was my quote this past year. Well actually, it has been my quote since my sophomore year of high school. “Rise above it all” is something I made up, and it became a little mantra I would say to myself when something trivial would happen to me. Instead of reacting negatively, or letting outside circumstances rattle me, I would repeat “rise above it all” over and over and over again.

Saying these four words literally birthed power over outside circumstances I couldn’t control. These words are rooted in the type of person I strive to become. They remind me to rise above circumstances and limiting behaviors. These words I played countless times in my head have paved the way for me to be a bigger and better me.

So, let’s talk about this thing that is happening in our world today. The Corona Virus. This virus has completely disrupted life, and for many of us the feeling of anxiety, fear and loneliness has set it. Personally, I have had moments of horrible anxiety, so let me tell you about it.

I have prescribed medicine that helps with the occasional anxiety I experience. I have had this medicine sitting in one of my cabinet drawers completely untouched…until this week. This week I was consumed with fear and anxiety and I turned to my prescribed anxiety medicine. For all those who aren’t aware, when you start on these types of medications you have to slowly work up to a higher dose because the drug quite literally tweaks chemical balances in your brain. However, the feeling of anxiousness was so crippling I decided it would probably be a good idea to double my prescribed dosage.  WRONG WRONG WRONG. I’ve made a lot of dumb decisions, but this was probably one of the dumbest things I’ve ever done, and it left me feeling physically sick for two straight days.

The point of me telling you this is yes, of course, saving you from making the same dumb mistake that I made, but also pointing out what rising above a situation does NOT look like. 

Here’s the thing. We can’t control a lot of what is happening in our world today, but what we can control is our attitude and our pursuit of what sets our hearts on fire.

You have to decide to put your dreams and your attitude on a higher pedestal than your anxieties and fears. You have the choice to decide what takes precedence in your life. What will you decide?

Around four years ago I decided that my dreams and outlook on life sit on a higher pedestal than outside circumstances.  I sealed this deal with the mantra, “rise above it all.” When life gets tough and negative emotions start to trail, I begin repeating this phrase over and over, and I recall what is most important in my life.

Below are 6 things that have helped me during this time of quarantine, and I hope they will help you too.

  1. Call someone. 

Guys. People need you, and you need people. So give your grandma a call, and ask her to tell you stories about her childhood. Call your best friend and talk about that movie you just watched. Pick up the phone and call that person who you know is struggling with being at home. Give a call to that person who you know is doing just fine being at home, because I promise you they are struggling with this too.  

  1. Dance. 

This is mainly about moving your body, but adding some music that makes you feel like a boss makes it 10x more fun. So pop those headphones in, or blast that speaker and turn on that song that makes you feel like you’re in a music video. Trust me, it helps. 


  1. Get outside.

You owe it to yourself to smell the fresh air. Give yourself 5 minutes or 50 minutes to take a walk and enjoy nature. 


  1. Write.

I took AP Psychology in high school and that pretty much gave me my license to be a psychologist. Kidding. But, what I do know is that writing is a good outlet. Write down how you feel, write what you’re grateful for, write what you’re workin’ on during this quarantine. 


  1. Look at old pictures and videos.

 Whether it be in the depths of your parents basement where they hoard old, embarrassing pictures of you in your early teens, or on your phone, go look at some memories. 


  1. Repeat that mantra. 

Rise above it all is my mantra. I welcome you to repeat it and mean it, or come up with your own saying that resonates deep within you. We got this. We will get through this.