Dear Beautiful You,
“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.”
-Aibileen Clark
Do you ever feel like you aren’t enough? Well same. In life we are put into hard positions where we feel useless. That is because God wants us to understand that those hard positions make us into who we are and help us grow as a person. I want you to read this letter and understand that YOU are created to be the best you and YOU are enough. In today’s day and age, many young females and males are comparing themselves to everything they see in social media. I am that person too but am changing my way of thought. Constantly thinking about how I don’t look like a certain celebrity, have the “correct” style that people like, or even just wondering if people like me, is what I have struggled with over the years. It takes time and patience to feel like you are worth something to yourself, family, friends, or the world. First, you need to feel enough for yourself, then others. Something that I have found helpful to appreciating myself more is meditating, exercise, reading daily bible verses, music/podcasts, traveling, and surrounding myself with people who I love.
As a young kid, I started comparing myself to others quite frequently. I would always feel that if I didn’t act a certain way or look a certain way, no one would ever like me. I had struggled with trying to figure out friendships and myself. I believe friendships are hard for some people to get. People can have one friend and totally be happy, while others may have 15 friends. Don’t let anyone tell you that having too many friends can be hard, because it can be just as hard as having two friends. You may, at times, have feelings that your friendship is a one-way street and that you aren’t receiving enough commitment back. If that’s the case, talk about it and let your friend/friends know that you aren’t feeling valued. It wasn’t up until high school when I found my soul sisters. These girls make me feel like I am enough and worth something in this world, no matter what others say or think. I know that I am enough because of them.
Also, shoutout to AKD, the one who makes sure everyone is enough. Avery Dixon is someone who has helped me grow as my own individual. She has pushed me to see so much lighter within others and help others into knowing they are enough. Avery started this Lessons & Letters a little over a year ago and was a little hesitant on starting. I remember letting her know that she is enough, and this podcast and letters are going to become something that will enlighten others into knowing that they are enough. Throughout the stories she shares and others, it’s important to understand that everyone has a story to share and that yours is enough and so are others.
To end this letter, I want to say that YOU, yes YOU, are more than enough. On your good days and your bad days, know that you are here on this earth because you are worth it and enough. I am always open to hearing your story if you ever are having a hard time with feeling enough or wanted, because having someone to talk to is so incredibly important.
All my love beautiful,
Embo (Emily S.)
“You have what it takes. You are strong enough. You are brave enough. You are capable enough. You are worthy enough. It’s time to stop thinking otherwise and start believing in yourself because no one else has the dreams that you have. No one else sees. The world exactly like you do, and no one else holds the same magic inside. It’s time to start believing in the power of your dreams, my beautiful friend. Not next year, not next month, not tomorrow, but now. You are ready. YOU ARE ENOUGH.”
-Nikki Banas