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Dear Friend,


This letter was meant for you.


Whether you follow me, randomly stumbled across this, or was sent it from a friend… this letter was meant to find you.

You need to be reminded that you are incredible. You are worthy and deserving of GOOD THINGS.

You are something great. You are something great not because of your accomplishments, or what others say about you.

You are something great. You are something great despite your downfalls, or what others say about you.

You have been reminded of what you are and what you aren’t by society and culture, but what you really are is something great.

You are not good; you are great.


The odds of YOU being born is 1 in 400 trillion+


Do you think someone with those odds would turn out to be something “okay?” 




If you beat the incredible odds of being born you were not put on this earth to be something good, you were put on this earth to be something GREAT.


You are great as you are. You are great to your core. You are loved very deeply.


Friend, you forgot this. So be filled with joy knowing that you, stripped from accomplishments or failures, are great to your core.


People and things have told you limiting things about yourself, and you have believed them. When you are fed or filled with lies you neglect the odds, and when you neglect the odds you neglect your greatness. So, when you are overcome by those lies remember the odds to remember your greatness.

Oh, and don’t be afraid to live into your greatness. It’ll give others the courage to live into theirs as well.


Friend, you are something special. Just as you are, you are something so very great.

Love Always,


Pass along to 3 friends to remind them of how great they are

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Abby Valentine

    I love this so much! A good friend sent it to me and it totally made my day. I shared it with several more friends, who were all so touched. Thank you for your awesome posts! Keep up the great work 🙂

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