I have always said that I find myself daydreaming two inches too close to my steering wheel. It’s when I am driving the highway that I am daydreaming about how I am going to be an author one day, about how I am going to be a businesswoman one day and about how I am going to create a website one day. Well, today is one day, and today I decided that “someday” has been an excuse that has been integrated into my vocabulary a few too many times. Today I have brought to life a dream that is still, of course, a work-in-progress: VESDI. And this is for you.
The backbone of VESDI is built upon vulnerability, positivity and personal growth and is delivered through lessons & letters.
Lesson (I.e.) an amount of teaching given at one time; a period of learning or teaching.
Letter (I.e.) a written, typed, or printed communication, especially one sent in an envelope by mail or messenger.
Vulnerability. Let’s get open about the hard things (and I’ll do the hard work for you). Let’s be honest. It’s easier to go on with life and pretend that everything is aye-okay because it looks good. To come across as put together and worry free is an expectation many of us feel in life, but in reality, it is a limitation. So now I ask, at the end of the day, is it really easier to pretend like you have it all figured out because it looks good? I think not. Everyone is carrying a lot of baggage, and a lot of this baggage is really hard to talk about. For some reason society says that talking about hardship and growth is something that only weak people do. I call BS. We are human beings and stuff happens- really hard stuff, and it’s time to start getting human about it.
Positivity. Typing this word makes me smirk and my reasoning is because positivity is a value I have, but I don’t always embrace it. The reason it is hard for me to embrace it is because positivity is a choice, and sometimes it is a hard choice to make. I want to curate a community that chooses positivity even when it’s not the fun thing to do, because it is easier to make the choice to be positive when you’re surrounded by people who embody it. Positivity propels
Personal Growth. An ancient mentor of mine who goes by the name, “Salt” once told me that personal growth is hard, and that is why not everyone chooses to do it. Need I say more?
This might serve one hundred people or it might just serve one person, and both make me equally happy. This has been on my heart for quite some time now and I believe that when something is on your heart and it won’t leave you alone it is usually put there by something bigger and better than yourself. So cheers, let’s see where this takes us all. Can’t wait to go on this journey with you.